Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jeff Hardy Cna How Funny Is It Watching Jeff Hardy Having All These "accidents"?

How funny is it watching Jeff Hardy having all these "accidents"? - jeff hardy cna

Jeff Hardy seems to have much luck.

Firstly, not your house burns to the ground, on reports that Create does not even bother to be.

Now he hangs his car and his body burned, as she wants to dance Pyros.

What advice you give Jeff Hardy?


Miss Paparazzi said...

First, I will laugh when your house burns

Car Crash & Incident seconds off the pyro is a story .. laugh because you do not really know what the WWE, if you do not know, is your argument.

Adrianne said...

dude its called a story!
him the house was dead right and not laugh about his beloved dog! the rest is history for the Royal Rumble match against the edge ... Tip: Keep the Bank

Adrianne said...

dude its called a story!
him the house was dead right and not laugh about his beloved dog! the rest is history for the Royal Rumble match against the edge ... Tip: Keep the Bank

coolblueguy100 (aka Chris) said...

the burning of the house was real, the rest was false.

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